
Make the one decision...

School of Ministry

Luther Martin Ministries/TSBS: School of Ministry

If You Knew How To Do What I Do, Would You?

We are being called on by pastors to church people to teenagers to help bring them to the One Decision. To connect them directly to the power and glory of Christ and have impact on their lives, and for some truly gifted individuals, spread their message to the masses.


Here at Luther Martin Ministries, we have two major audiences coming together to the same decision, working together and learning from each other along the way.

Vicksburg MS - River of Life Church

Luther Martin Ministries/TSBS: School of Ministry

Audience 1: People who want to learn how to effectively witness their faith, one-on-one

Do you have a desire, an absence to make present, or simply a burning desire to find your way home to the biggest decision in your life?

We are providing direct one-on-one guidance through our ministry to help people find the wisest path to the one decision and to salvation through our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ.

Audience 2: People called to preach to the masses

Some people have the gift. Those blessed to call on others will be coached and trained on the fundamentals of our proven system that demonstrate how to lead people through revivals and church populations.  

Reach out and Join

How do you find your way to the one decision? How do you lead others to the one decision? Join our School of Ministry and work alongside gifted people seeking to complete their journey to our Heavenly Father’s glory, and those wishing to be a Holy guide and bring this gift to others in a way that has successfully reached tens of thousands of believers in the United States and abroad who have heard the voice and the message. Come to truly embrace the one thing, the Godly decision that brings you into His arms.

Luther Martin Ministries/TSBS: Revive Yazoo