
Make the one decision...


There is a famous Rembrandt etching that depicts Jesus preaching to a small group in a cave. From small beginnings come great things. The revivals of today can measure in the thousands, and that is just the people there in person.  Now, with television and Internet, revivals are able to reach audiences of extraordinary size.


The revival is the cornerstone of Reverend Luther Martin’s method of ministry.  Using revivals, in person and broadcast, Reverend Martin is able to not only reach people, but have them witness the truth in One Decision.  And the power of that personal connection is felt as much as it is heard.

International Audience

Reverend Luther Martin can be witnessed in the United States and abroad. Luther Martin Ministries have teams in countries in Africa and Mexico and are growing, just as the message is growing and followers are making the One Decision to trust in Jesus Christ one person at a time. From drops of rain we fill wells.
Luther Martin Ministries/TSBS: International Revival event

Spreading Our Wings

The School of Evangelism is now raising up new messengers to spread the word of One Decision to the masses.