Reverend Luther Martin hails form the small town of Prentiss in South Central Mississippi, in Jefferson Davis County. He was raised as a church musician but later ended up in a life of drugs.
In 1994, Martin was arrested and sentenced to prison. A retired attorney and chaplain came to visit Luther in his cell block. The chaplain had one message. Christ and Him crucified. He asked if Luther wanted to be saved. Luther had reached a new crossroads in his life journey. The choice of salvation. Luther’s answer was, yes. The chaplain, in one day, connected with Luther in a way that would carry him forward back on the path that began when he was thirteen years old and heard the voice of God for the first time instructing him to Preach the Gospel.
After the chaplain left, Luther was left to his thoughts and contemplation. Painfully, time moved slowly. But six months later God spoke to him for the second time in his life and said, “In seven years you will be free to go”. It was then that Martin made the one simple decision, to trust in Christ.
During that seven years Martin’s desire became to know Christ and the power of His Resurrection. Upon his release, Luther went into evangelism and has now preached the gospel on three continents with the desire to lead them to the Lord Jesus.
Luther made the one decision that changed his whole life and now preaches to thousands of others hoping that they will make the same decision.
In 2005, during an ordination ceremony, during an extensive interview to be ordained, a single question was posed to Luther by a stern, world traveler, six-foot seven board member, “What do you expect from ministry?” That question penetrated Martin’s heart unlike any of the others. And, from his heart, mind, and spirit, arose, with unquestionable clarity, an answer that rang clear. That souls be saved.
Since that divine gift of message was bestowed upon Luther, it has been the guiding light for his ministry. That souls be saved is the message and the movement that brings people to that one decision, to trust in Christ.
After that one decision, the rest will be new history.
Pastor of That Souls Be Saved